Heading for Inclusive School in Europe

Heading for Inclusive School in Europe: training modules

Each session description is linked to a database on the www.ecoleinclusiveeurope.eu website, where you will find materials for course development.

These materials have been developed by the international group and include pedagogical sheets, resource sheets, best practice sheets classified in three files; Trunk D: "Define", trunk R "Reassure", E: "Educate". A web link present in the course support opens the sheets or video supports that illustrate the courses. Some are not available in French but only in the speakers' original language.

This site aims at being enriched and at sharing other experiment-based knowledge in inclusive classes.

Module architecture

sm1 sm2 sm3 sm4 sm5


Training, through its pedagogy, must put teachers or carers in situation, in conditions of empathy and reflexivity. The educational path can be defined as the link that ensures a learning logic in the course of pedagogical sessions.

Thus, trainers must think about this path according to whether they will deliver the training as a whole or separate modules.

Each module has a fixed time quota: (may be adapted while respecting the mode of transmission). 


Educational sessions make up the modules:

Courses grid


Module name


Course wording



Web links to
resource sheets








Description of the learning process



Each session description is linked to a database on the www.ecoleinclusiveeurope.eu website, where you will find materials for course development. These materials have been developed by the international group and include pedagogical sheets, resource sheets, best practice sheets classified in three files; Section  D: "Define", Section  R "Reassure", E: "Educate". A web link present in the course support opens the sheets or video supports that illustrate the courses. Some are not available in French but only in the speakers' original language.

This site aims at being enriched and at sharing other experiment-based knowledge in inclusive classes.



By clicking on the sub module:

You open the training content grid in relation to its title. Each content is itself linked to three types of sheets as mentioned above. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the procedure, so that each trainee integrates the notion of reflexivity into his/her teaching. This module is available in several languages: English, French, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, Polish